Monday, August 14, 2017

La Vie Est Belle (Update #54)

Hello everyone!!
I'd like to start this week by sharing a very profound and insightful quote by Amy Scott (7 year old American in our ward): "I love hiking. Hiking is good...but sometimes we actually cry a lot." Hahahaha. Literally laughed so hard.

We proceeded to watch a video of the 2 Scott girls crying while soldiering through a hike in the rain.
I wanted to share that because I thought is was hilarious, but also because I feel like there is an important life lesson to be learned here. We asked the Scott girls their favorite thing to do with their family and the immediate response was "I love hiking..." to which everyone else at the table was flabbergasted (because she usually cries the whole time). Then she proceeded to tell us that "hiking is good..."

Life lesson learned: sometimes life is hard, sometimes "we actually cry a lot." But that's no reason not to love it!! Focus on the positive and the things we do like. In short: LA VIE EST BELLE. Thanks Scott children for the life lesson.

In other news, SISTER RUTTER AND I ARE STAYING TOGETHER in Talence for another transfer!!! I'm sooo happy. This ward has seriously become like home and Sister Rutter is about the easiest person to get along with in the face of the planet, not to mention an incredible missionary and so much fun. So life is good :)

Also, we had our first Skype lesson with the Albanian missionaries and it was SO COOL! I had chills sitting there listening to our favorite amis learn and communicate in their own language (even if I didn't understand a single word). Prayers work. Speaking of, this week they will be receiving their response as to whether or not they can stay in France and any extra prayers would be much appreciated.

Other fun events this week include having one last sleep over with the Poitiers sisters before they both get transferred to Switzerland today and learning Spanish dancing from Soeur Jimenez. Soeur Rutter and I do not dance. The best compliment we ever received was when Soeur Jimenez (Colombian) said about our dancing "see, you don't look like potatoes." #sparked

Have an incredible week!! I can't thank you enough for your thoughts and prayers and love.
Sister Camille Goold

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